EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How do you handle Double Login?

A common situation in online games, where a same account ID being login twice at the same time.

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User A logs into a game using his account ID. After a few minutes, user B enters into the game using user A's account login (user B could have borrowed or stolen user A's account ID). How do you handle this situation?

From server side, there are a few ways to handle double login:
  1. Push out the earlier login
    Kicking out user A and let user B enter the game. User A have to login again (and kick out user B from the game) to enter the game again.
    A common practice in local game servers, but it can turn into a pushing war between the 2 users. Currently, the most effective solution.

  2. Deny the new login
    User B cannot enter the game as long as user A is logged in the game. But this could lead to problems like user B is logged in for a long period of time and user A (the owner of the account) cannot enter the game.

  3. Can enter from other PC with the same login
    When user A enters the game, he is issued an electronic key(Key A). As long as he has the key, he can move freely within game.
    When user B enters the game(with user A's account ID), as long as user B uses a different computer (with different IP address), he also was issued a key (Key B).
    This solution seems favorable, but is not recommended for online games that have paid subscription.

In the end, the best way is always to take good care of your account ID, including never reveal your password to anyone.

By the way, Game Masters doesn't need to know your password when you're reporting problems to them, all they need is your account ID and they can find out everything else from the database. So beware of scammers!!

( ._.)Ø



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