EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG -- my comments

Just as I promised last Monday, my comments on Yu-Gi-Oh TCG.

I've became a fan of it by reading its manga, that time the TCG hasn't come out yet. It has a good run as Yugi(the main character) plays a lot of games and made them into Dark Games to punish evildoers (don't laugh, its in the sypnosis). When Yugi started playing a trading card game called 'wizards and monsters', it proved a hit among fans and they wants more of it. The publishers, like the hungry vultures they are, ask Kazuki Takahashi to start a new storyline concentrating on this trading card game. Well what can I say more, it was such a hit that they produced a TCG based on the it. The rest as we say, are history.....

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG uses an interesting gameplay where you summon monsters on fields and have them do battles. If a monster is defeated, the monster's owner will have his or her life point reduced according to remaining attack point from the attacking monster(well it basically means that: the attacking monster attacks for 150 point, the defending monster has defense point of 100, the defending monster is defeated and its owner received damage the balance of the attack point that is 50).

It also utilizes trap cards and spell cards to improve the gameplay, almost like MTG(well almost, the trap cards are an innovation, these cards can only be activated during certain conditions and it make the game really unpredictable).

The game started off a bit unstable, because most of the cards are adapted from the manga. After releasing a few sets, they have improved a lot and has become a dominant player in the TCG market now. The cards released now does not refer to the manga much, and most of the gameplay is changed for real life playing. Now totally independant from the manga, the game is set to make waves in TCG world.

Thats all for now,
Jya Ne



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