Why I should even blog
just today my flame war in MGDC forum just got interesting.
one of the newcomers posed an interesting point to me:
"....that i know more about you than you do of me...ean wey ann...a self confessed troll...either you are a really smart person or otherwise...." blah blah
even to the point of calling me a mama's boy LOLz
like I even try to hide who I am.
I've even put my real name in some of threads in the forum XD
but it got me thinking, and I googled my name and my forum name
so far I'm only active in MGDC and a bit in some anime forums
I have a blog, this one
and the first search result for my name is in a MMU student directory.
what have I done?
do I even have a purpose to let the net dezidens to know who I am
I've look thru my posts, and find that its very erratic
I'm not even sure of what to say or do
will do some soul searching....
and then will decide if this blog should continue
Jya Ne
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