EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm not suited to be a GM

*GM = Game Master

I'm cold-hearted and don't care about the feelings of other players,
as long as the ratings are correct and the matches goes smoothly,
I don't care how pissed off the players are at us.

I cant comment on what the other GMs on my team are doing,
being overly friendly with the players,
thats also the reason the players are walking all over them.

I hate being the bad guy, but someone have to put the foot down,
no more "nice" comments, no more abiding the players needs.

We know the tournament system is flawed, and there's players abusing the system,
whine all about it if you want, we're tied by certain laws to protect ALL of the players rights. Ever if those players cheat, as long as we can't get hold the proof of cheating,
those players are innocent, no matter how much other players complains, its the laws
protecting them that allows such things to happen.

Yesterday I got so fed up that I told one of them that "I care only about the rating system being correct and the matches going smoothly." The kid just log out after that.
I bet he hates me now :/

The people here are suppose to be following company rules, those who don't gets fired, one of the rules of the company is to to be trustworthy and fair to the players, we can screw up anyone else in life, but not while we're handling any e-arena work, so basically im a untrustworthy guy forcing to do trustworthy work.

( ._.)ΓΈ


1 Secret Messages:

At 5:00 PM, Blogger coffee-ping said...

"We know the tournament system is flawed, and there's players abusing the system,
whine all about it if you want, we're tied by certain laws to protect ALL of the players rights. Ever if those players cheat, as long as we can't get hold the proof of cheating,
those players are innocent, no matter how much other players complains, its the laws
protecting them that allows such things to happen."

correction: "they are being assume as innocent until proven guilty."
this is usually how law system works :)



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