EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are you proud to be an OTAKU?

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An Otaku lifestyle?

An old news article got me intersted in writing this entry:
Self-professed 'real otaku' rips into 'moe' fetish fakers

The response to the article on some anime blogs:
Forum discussion in Anime News Network

Some info on the interviewee:
Interview session with Mimei Sakamoto

When No Choice is a Good One
A girl's guide to finding happiness in Japan

By Mimei Sakamoto

A term still in debate for its meaning.

It interest me that in campus recently there are people who proudly proclaiming themselves as Otakus.
To them the word 'Otaku' means an avid fan of anime, manga and games.

In Japan (the origin of the word), most people associate 'Otaku' with "people who stayed at home all day, had no social life, and just watched hentai all day".
And these negative connotations is still prevalent in modern japanese society.
Interesting enough, the term 'otaku' became famous after tabloids (in the 80's) start calling the serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, the Otaku Murderer.

Is calling oneself an 'otaku' a good thing?
I rather opt for the non-enthusiastic sounding 'hobbyist'. XD

If anyone wants to argue with me that 'Otaku' means something else in wikipedia, then let me ask you this: "Do you trust a source that can be edited everyday by anyone?"

( ._.)Ø


8 Secret Messages:

At 12:00 PM, Blogger DWolve said...

It all depends on the culture.

American's like to be Otakus while Japanese shun Otakus.

Where do you stand?

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Jad [Alt] Kaizer said...

I will say that culture or not, 'Otaku' will always be derived as a social phenomena - a negative one in a mild manner.

Though I felt like reminding those campus monkeys who called themselves 'Otaku' 's that, being part of it doesn't mean you are it, and it's better not to be proud of being it.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Vincent said...

It's just a matter of them classifying themselves as "anime fans" or "anti-socials anime fans".

Proud or not, it doesnt really matter. How well known is the term "Otaku" in our country? They can go out and call themselves Otakus if they like it if they wont mind most of the times being misunderstood.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger hreaper said...

'Otaku' means 'your house', or in this case, the kind of people who is socially outcast and prefer to live in a worlds of their own. There are many people who retreate to worlds like this (Ally McBeal comes to mind :p). The problem with 'otaku's, in particular, is that they don't know when to leave that world.

I don't really mind calling myself an anime fan but not an 'otaku'. I mean, the 'otaku' culture in Japan is kind of too much.

I also agree, it's the culture thing. We don't see that kind of thing here and I hope we don't. Be moderate in everything and you'd be fine. :)

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever makes you happy, I guess.

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dun really think i'm an otaku until today... coz those negative part like hentai and not socialize (except trough internet) are really describe me... how can i stop to be one's???

At 10:24 AM, Blogger EwA said...

Dear Anonymous,
I can't say I'm a expert on Otaku-ness, but like handling all other addiction(I'm guessing that watching hentai is a form of addiction to you), try reducing the numbers of hentais you watch day by day, or just stop watching them and go out for a walk in the park or hanging out with friends.

Thats just my 2 cents on the issue, If you need better help, try consulting a doctor.

( ._.)Ø

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't consider myself a japanese sort of otaku, (for one, I'm a girl, and I'm not gay) I'm not into hentai or socially inept. I'm just unpopular because I have moral values. I do consider myself an otaku, in the loosest sense of the word, meaning I really do love anime and manga.



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