EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

LINKS to brag about

Melty blood
A doujinshi 2-D fighter game based on Tsukihime. Really nicely made.
As a Tsukihime fan, I loved it :D

Wizards Announces Price Change
My favorite trading card game, Magic: The Gathering just got more expensive.
What can we do? Lets Feed the wizards

Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed Love (2006)

A fan of the TV series, so I'm really excited about the movie :p

more info and pictures

Now, to the Stephen Colbert section (LOLz).

With the release of Dungeons & Dragons Online, Steven Colbert hangs up his polyhedral dice with a hilarious homage to his former days as a D&D geek.

The Colbert Report - The Word: Confidence
The Colbert Report - The Word: Superegomaniac
The Colbert Report - The Word: The Long War
The Colbert Report - The Word: XMas
The Colbert Report - The Word: Dumbocracy
The Colbert Report - The Word: Me
The Colbert Report - The Word: Martyr

The Colbert Report - 2006.07.19 - Joe Scarborough

Stephen Colbert interviews attorney Neil Katyal. He defended Guantanamo detainees before the Supreme Court to get them a honest trial, in particular, Osama Bin Laden's chauffeur.

Stephen Colbert on Parenting - "What the hell is wrong with them?" Includes The Word psychopharmaparenting.

Colbert Report - 666

Jack Kingston on The Colbert Report

The Colbert Report - Easter under Attack

Stephen Colbert interviews Catholic League president William Donohue. One of the most surreal and awkward interviews ever conducted.

Stephen Colbert with Congressman Westmoreland

Military man Steven Colbert goes nuts

Stephen Colbert takes a Fox News clip of John Gibson and then proceeds to compare Iran and Democrats, taking the argument to its logical conclusion; why vegetarians are Hitler-lovers.

Stephen Colbert & The Daily Show - Fruit Juice (Part 1) & (Part 2)
Stephen Colbert's piece on the homosexual influence in advertising.

White House press dinner April, 2006
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Bush Realtime Reaction to Colbert Speech

On a more serious note.....

Stephen Colbert meets Jeffrey Sachs
Stephen talks to professor Jeffrey Sachs about his book "The End of Poverty", or why eradicating poverty might be more effective in fighting terrorism than the military. (The Colbert Report, March 2, 2006)

Professor Jeffrey Sachs explains why the best way to combat terrorism is to eradicate poverty and make the world a safer place through justice for ALL. An impassioned plea for action based on our common humanity (CBC HotType, 2005)
Fight Terrorism? End Poverty! - 1/3
Fight Terrorism? End Poverty! - 2/3
Fight Terrorism? End Poverty! - 3/3

( ._.)ΓΈ


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