EwA's Secret Lair

Game development tips and random musings of The Psychotic EwA

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Artists are Your best friends

As game developers, the artists are your best friends.
During design, you need the artist to create a "visual" for your clients. It helps convey your concepts and lets your clients see what you see.

Usually they (artists) will one-up you by doing the art their way, in what they claim to make it looking good "visually". It is not wrong, as long as it suits the concept and structure of the game. In fact, you should promote it, having creativity outside of the box is good when you're still in design stage.

But you really have to put your foot down when their art designs conflicted with your game design, because its what they drawn out (the concept art, the character model, etc) is shown to the client.

The client won't look at your level design, what he'll look at is the artists impression of how the level will look like. It what the artists draws is different from what you originally designed, the whole design process will get screw up. The client will want what he sees in the concept art and rejects your original designs.

Working with artists is a give and take situation, you have to give space in your designs for their “creativity”, while they have to accept that looking good “visually” is not always important when you're making a computer game.

All this is in the design stage, when you go to development stage, its a whole different situation :D
I talk more about it.....IF I can survive the design stage :p

Jya Ne

( ._.)ø



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